Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Little Things Make A Big Difference: The case against 'small task triage'

This summer a colleague of mine, Karen Berreckman (@2ndCoz), shared with me a blogger that she follows on twitter, Pernille Ripp (@PernilleRipp).  Recently she wrote a blog entitled 'Dear Administrators, Please Don't Forget About the Little Things'.  Generally, I don't spend my limited time reading blogs when they are written by teachers who have not worked in administrative capacities. Even with my experiences as a quasi-administrator and my limited knowledge of all the things a real administrator deals with, I know that there are parts of their job that I don't have a clue about.  Most of those that I have read have been little more than just a rant from a teacher who has an axe to grind.  This one from Pernille Ripp was different.

The gist of the article was that as busy as principals are this time of year, it is vital for them to take care of the little things for teachers right now before student arrive.  This paragraph below from her blog sums it up perfectly and made some connections for me as a guidance counselor and my work with students and teachers:

"Yes, I know it is not fun or exciting to think about those things that you promise teachers that you will do, like approving a form, emailing a parent, looking up that long lost order.  But those little things?  They make a big difference to us teachers.  Those little things that you may not think deserves your limited time right now, those are the ones we need you to also take care of because those things add up to a whole lot of stress for us when left undone.  In fact, some of those little things may be stopping us from fulfilling our big dreams, hopes, and wishes." (Copied from

There are so many big things we all come back to school after summer wanting to accomplish, and each day we perform 'small task triage' to work on the most pressing tasks.   After reading that paragraph, I couldn't help but think about the large number of emails or messages I receive from students that I sometimes put off for a day or so until I have time to get to them.  I also couldn't help but consider teachers requests such as scheduling concerns, rosters, etc. and how my 'small task triage' may be an obstacle to their implementation of big ideas in their classroom.

Reading Pernille's blog gave me a solid direction for my work yesterday and today as teachers came back to school.  It was rewarding to fill those immediate needs of teachers in an almost immediate timeframe.  Many of the staff here at Cozad Community Schools are working to implement big ideas and it is exciting to see those come to fruition as the small tasks are taken care of.  Now that it is crunch time (a.ka. Prime Time), we have a great opportunity to complete the small things for fellow staff members and students.  It is an empowering and positive way to start the school year by helping those big ideas set sail.

If you have a few moments take the time to watch this video of a former Navy seal who spoke at the University of Texas Commencement in May of 2014 (forward it to 4:36 to get to the heart of the message) or read this link on the 10 Life Lessons from a Navy Seal.  Number one on the list is an illustration of the idea of taking care of the small things first.  It gives us a sense of accomplishment and sets us on a course to accomplishing more.

This year I hope to remember that if I want to really change the world, I have to first take care of  the small details to make a big difference.

Follow me on Twitter @CHS_Mr_F

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