Friday, July 17, 2015

When Novelty Fades Resolve Remains

New shiny things are exciting, but take effort to maintain.  The same is true for the excitement we experience from hearing a new message or seeing the latest and greatest gadget.  It is also true for kids.  Any coach will tell you that energy and morale are high on the first few days of practice and over time, those who experience the dissipation of novelty fail to continue with the same zeal.  We have all seen it in the classroom when school starts.  Students are eager to be there, they are organized, have work completed, etc.  Then by the third quarter their work has changed into the 'average' of what they can produce.

So how do we maintain the energy and production that comes with the novelty of new experiences?  One of the ways I did this last year was through the 'This Year I Will #TYIW initiative.  Spurred on by the initiative of Adam Bellow, I along with several of my peers created a #TYIW artifact that was posted outside my door and their doors.  It listed my goals for the year and was personalized for the world to see. It kept me accountable to accomplish my goals and follow through with what I said I would do.

This year to take it a step further, I am planning on hosting a #TYIW PARTY!!!!  A party? Yes, a party...where guests are invited to spend the evening conversing, sharing quality time together, enjoying the last few days of summer, but most importantly, sharing their goals.  The exit ticket, for the party will be get up in front of the group and share out what their goals are for the year.  It is my hope that they will also spend some time and creating their 'artifact' to hang outside their room.

To take the first step, here is a look at my goals for the #TYIW.  I hope you will challenge yourself to create you own.  I would love to hear your thoughts on these goals as well.

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