Thursday, August 7, 2014

Setting Goals & Creating Accountability

With each school year comes the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and begin again.  Over the past few days I have spent some time setting goals for myself and for our students for the 14-15 school year.  What dawned on me is that even though it is a chance to wipe our slate clean of past projects, failed ventures, the stress of a long school year, etc, I believe that we should each take the time to fill our slates up with the messages and goals we want to showcase to the world.

At ISTE in Atlanta this summer, I had the opportunity to once again hear +Adam Bellow (@adambellow) speak.  During his session he asked each of us to snap a selfie and use the hashtag of #TYIW (This Year I Will) and post something that we will challenge ourselves to accomplish professionally.  If you have ever had the chance to hear Adam speak, you know how motivational he can be, but even more importantly you know how impacting his comments are.  It is not surprising that his challenge was one of the things I am going to work on bringing back to our school.

In my mind the real power of this is not just writing down a goal.  It is hidden power of social pressure.  My artifact found at the top of this page is not one that I have hidden.  I have it posted outside my office, posted above my desk, and I am sharing it via social media.  My hope is that others in our school will do the same.  Posting and sharing these goals publicly and permanently will allow us to hold each other accountable throughout the year and focused on what we said we would achieve.

I am choosing to fill my slate with several new initiatives this year.  Fortunately, my Principal Mr. Beckenhauer (@B_Beckenhauer) and Superintendent Mr. Applegate (@applegate_joel) have given me the professional latitude to pursue many if not all of my professional goals.  Without their support, the things I write on my 'clean slate' would be little more than just more scribbles.  Just as important as having supportive leadership is to be surrounded by great teachers and I truly feel that I am surrounded by a World Class teaching staff who will be instrumental in helping me accomplish my goals.

Because I am pillar of moderation (read that with a sarcastic tone) I took this challenge to heart and created a large set of goals and initiatives I will work to accomplish this year for the benefit of our students.  I am willing to share my large working document with anyone who wants to take the time to read it.  So if you are interested in reading it, shoot me an email at and I will share it with you.  The document I am willing to share elaborates on each of these ideas that I am listing below.

Here are four of the things I will work to accomplish this school year:

  • Host an innovation week where students drive their own learning

  • Work to organize a school-wide day of service where students and staff volunteer in our community

  • Organize a college week with activities for students and staff to increase our college going rate

  • Continue to work on growing the ‘Genius Hour’ initiative for our students

If you see me out and about feel free to ask me about my progress in achieving these goals.  Here is to a great school year!

Follow me on twitter @CHS_Mr_F

1 comment:

  1. Woot! Woot! Shout out as you work to accomplish your four big goals this school year! So worthy and will make a huge impact on students, staff, and your community! Go Dustin!
